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“Manipur Gets Back Easter Holiday, But the Misery of the People Continues Unabated”

  • March 30, 2024
  • 1 min read

Manipur government’s mind boggling order declaring Easter Sunday as a working day was withdrawn following widespread public protests, but the sectarian, undemocratic and unconstitutional nature of the government move continues to rankle the people of the State as a whole. In this interaction, Rev Dr J Lamboi Haokip, Indigenous Community Leader, Community Health Volunteer, Rev T Karang of Manipur Baptist Convention and social activist Hejang Misao discuss the situation in the State on the eve of Easter with Venkitesh Ramakrishnan, Managing Editor of The AIDEM.

The discussion highlights the colossal absence of people oriented governance in the State and the sectarian political manoeuvres, which aggravate the situation. The panelists underscored the need for concrete measures from the union government, especially Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to address the conflict situation in the State that has continued unabated over the past 11 months.

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Lalrinmawii Fanai
Lalrinmawii Fanai
10 months ago

The total disregard and disrespect to the Manipur situation over the past 11 months is a loud and clear message in itself. ‘Modi and his Government just simply do not care

As for the recent order of the Manipur Governor, it could be read as the Hindutva camp and Government testing how far they could or would go in violating the Indian Constitution in regard to religious freedom and rights of non Hindu minorities like Christians in India. Also a message that they have no qualms about thwarting these rights of minorities now and in the days to come.

However, the message of Good Friday and Easter remains what it is – that of hope, good hope for all humanity. The culmination of the Christian faith. The purpose of Christmas. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” The Bible, Gospel of John 3:16.